At Harmony

Healthy Homes – The Science of Building Biology

There is never a better time to take control of your life than right now. If you are not achieving whatever it is you want to achieve. If you are constantly feeling tired no matter how much rest you get. If you find that no matter how much you save money and/or opportunities seem to slip through your fingers then this is for you.

Our Home Therapy Sessions blend together elements of Building Biology and Healthy Home principles; the Ancient Arts of Feng Shui and Geomancy; Sustainable Interior Design; and Colour Therapy to create a sacred space which supports you mind, body and souls.

Home Therapy is not just about a pretty home, or placing money frogs in the right place. It is about providing you with the tools to create a safe place; a haven; to come home to. To replenish. To recuperate. To rejuvenate mind, body and soul.

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